Tuesday, March 27, 2018
9h00 à 9h45
Opening / Conference Registration
Place: Majliss Hotel.
9h45 à 10h45
Invited Talk 1:
"The Need for ‘Cultural’ Machine Translation – Challenges and Solutions." Dr. Fernand S. Cohen, USA.
Chair: Abdellatif Kobbane.
10h45 à 11h15
Coffee break
11h15 à 12h45
Oral Session 1: Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
Chair: Fernand S. Cohen
- ID#50 : Urdu Caption Text Detection using Textural Features.
- ID#34 : A Study of Graph Based Stemmer in Arabic Extrinsic Plagiarism Detection.
- ID#31 : 3D face recognition in the presence of facial expressions based on empirical mode decomposition.
- ID#36 : Application of the Constrained Stochastic Matched Filter Subspace Tracking to Submarine Acoustic Signals.
- ID#46 : A variational method to determine the most representative shape of a set of curves and its application to knee kinematic data for pathology classification.
- ID#56 : Opinion Target Extraction from Arabic News Articles Using shallow Features.
13h à 14h30
14h30 à 16h00
Oral Session 2: Artificial Intelligence
Chair: Samir Mbarki.
- ID#23 : Contribution to Modeling Smart Grid Problem with the Constraint Satisfaction Problem Formalism.
- ID#35 : Enhancing Social Network Communication through Dynamic Clustering Balance.
- ID#40 : Multivariate Statistical Model based Currency Market Profitability Binary Classifier.
- ID#55 : Impact of Life-style on Health and Physical Capability: A Data Mining Approach.
- ID#43 : Towards a Flexible Mediator Architecture Using Fuzzy Logic for Integration of Incomplete and Uncertain Information.
16h00 à 16h30
Coffee break
16h30 à 17h30
Oral Session 3: Machine Learning
Chair: Yaâcoub Hannad
- ID#27 : Curriculum Learning for Depth Estimation With Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.
- ID#54 : Using Genetic Algorithm to Plan Individuals Temporal and non-Temporal Daily Activities.
- ID#29 : A Robust Approach to the Ontology Matching Problem.
- ID#51 : Feature Extraction for Cursive Language Document Images Using Discrete Cosine Transform, Discrete Wavelet Transform and Gabor Filter.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
9h30 à 10h00
Welcoming participants
Place: Ibn Tofail University - Faculty of sciences
10h00 à 11h00
Invited Talk 3:
"Co-clustering for Data Science." Dr. Mohamed Nadif, France.
Chair: Khalil Ibrahimi.
11h00 à 11h30
Coffee break
11h30 à 13h00
Oral Session 4: Computer Vision
Chair: Mohamed Nadif
- ID#3 : 3D Building Synthesis Based on Images and Affine Invariant Salient Features.
- ID#2 : Human Weapon-Activity Recognition in Surveillance Videos Using Structural-RNN.
- ID#39 : Facial emotion recognition: A comparative analysis using 22 LBP variants.
- ID#48 : How to optimize the utilization of image quality metrics in computer vision?
- ID#12 : Detection of Unethical Intelligent Agents in Ethical Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems
13h00 à 14h00
Closing ceremony and Distribution of the best participation price.
15h00 à 18h00
Welcome Social Event: Sightseeing Visit.